Archive for October, 2006

Well, after wondering how I would spend the day yesterday — with the extra hour! This snuck up on me!! I guess it’s not surprising, since this is the first year that Indiana has done it since I moved here in 1992 — I decided to go for an impromptu bike ride. It was sunny, and even broke 60 Degrees F! And the leaves have been beautiful.

Actually, not from the bike ride, but a similarly beautiful day last weekend...

It was well into the afternoon by the time I got things together, though, so I figured I’d just go for the standard Lake Griffy loop. It reminded me that I made this trip last January, on an unseasonably warm day. This is probably what started me thinking if this was my farewell bike ride for the year. It’s getting cold, and in fact I was surprised that it got as warm as it did today, and especially when it’s rainy, I’m not going to feel like biking…

So, who knows, we’ll see. One thing I can say for sure is that being out of town for so long left me out of shape on the bike. I got stomach cramps and moved slowly, even on this short and familiar trip. Still I’m glad I went, it was good to enjoy the nice weather.

Wow, another month rolls by without a blog posting! Yeah, what can I say? I think I’m best at posting regularly when things in my life feel quite regular. And, being in Portland, things did not feel regular. They were, in fact, very special, not at all regular. I am very glad to have spent the time there, and glad for the part that I played in bringing Verl Grey into the world. It was a very special time, but one that has its own documentation so I won’t bother working on rehashing it here. But, yes, a very good time. Played some great games of disc golf with Steven, ate some great food cooked by Kellie (and a bit by myself, if I do say so myself), and generally.. I’m glad it worked out so well.

But, I am also glad to be home! Home feels very good. It’s kind of funny after being away for so long, you notice some things in a different light. I reach for a kitchen utensil and it’s right where I expect it to be, even though I haven’t used it in so long. And I think “Hey, that’s a clever place to keep that!” mmhmm! Good thinking, David! Simple things like that. And I feel awash in them.

Anyway, I’m on a campaign to make life feel more regular, starting with some todo lists on my palm and radiating outwards. I’ve now looked at every piece of the eight pounds of mail that the US Postal Service was kind enough to hold for me while I was away, so I can cross that off the list. But, another item on the list, trying to find its way into the “recurring” category, is “blog”. So, although I’ve said it before and was wrong, I hope that this time it’s really true… more soon!