Wed 20 Sep 2006
Tabs on Google’s personalized home
Posted by David under geek, pass alongs
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Hadn’t noticed this before, but somewhere quasi-recently, google added a feature to its “Personalized Home” page (which for any other web site would have been called “My Google”). Now you can have Tabs! Such a simple concept, but it basically means have mutliple My Googles… This is great for me, because I was being very picky about what to put on there because I was running out of room. Now I have a page just for blogs, another just for news, and then other stuff like weather and recent searches and stuff. I like it.
i just started using google reader because i realized that i really do want to keep track of a lot more feeds than can fit on something like the google personalized page, and i just never liked bloglines.
so far, it is working quite well, though of course it is not perfect. :)
i keep meaning to blog about it, but i haven’t yet.
tabs in google personal could still be interesting, though, and i hadn’t noticed either! thanks!
just read this, about raising the tab limit from 6 to infinity.
in case you find yourself running out. :)