Well I mean, I thought that last hiatus was bad, huh? This one was even longer, I think. But, wow, the reason was big. On July 20, one week after my previous post, I wrote [an email]( to everyone with an account on [HoosierNet]( explaining that we were ceasing to offer Internet services effective September 1, 2006. This has been brewing for quite a while, and it was covered in the local news media. I wondered if I should write in my blog about it, but I figured it’d be better to speak about work through my work channels, and not mix my personal blog up in that. It sounded messy.

So I didn’t. But, that was so much of what was going on with me, and i wasn’t driven to spend much extra time in front of the computer, and… ok, look, I certainly could have kept blogging, but I just didn’t.

Anyway, with HoosierNet going away, the old URL for this blog will be going with it, so I’ve got it set up with a new provider at If you somehow got here using the old address and didn’t realize it’d changed, you should probably change any bookmarks/RSS feeds/etc. that you might have.

Thanks for checking in! I’m excited to have the blog up and running on a new site, maybe it will give me a new boost of energy to write in it. I should have more time on my hands in the near future…