Sun 26 Feb 2006
Sort recyclables into only TWO piles for curbside pickup
Posted by David under journalism
1 Comment
I was trying to find out when my recycling pickup day was (I really don’t think I got one of the magnets this year) and I happened upon this Notice from the City of Bloomington that says that we only need to sort recyclables into TWO piles now:
1. Paper Products
2. Metal Cans, Glass Containers and Plastic Bottles
This is down from the three that was used to. I guess they figured out a way to separate plastic from metal and glass (doesn’t sound too hard when you put it that way).
Offered here as a public service announcement…
Just took my kids (I am a teacher for anyone reading this who is not David) a few weeks ago to a recycling center. They have a regular magnet that picks up iron related material. Then the mixture of plastic and glass goes through a rotating metal tube with holes the size of glass bottles while a strong fan blows the lighter plastics to another belt. Most plastic and aluminum ends up on this last belt. The plastic was sorted by hand while a special magenet repelled the aluminum into its own bin. The machine was an old one, and newer machines sort more, faster, and with fewer people. Progress?