Tue 27 Sep 2005
Shelves installed at last
Posted by David under what I did today
[3] Comments
I came home from work feeling tired and lazy. Thought of a couple of errands I might run, but I didn’t feel like it. This is somewhat common for me, and my favorite way out of it is to keep thinking of things I’d like to get done until one of them sounds ok. And, tonight, it worked! Installing my shelves sounded ok!
So, they are up there. Curiously, my initial reaction to the big shelves was a lot like I’d feared (and that fear kept me from installing shelves for nine years): It feels like less open space! I feel more clostrophic in my (inescapably small) kitchen! But, the shelf sure can hold a lot of stuff! I’m not sure I’ll keep these flour tins up there, but having done that I put all of my mason jars (which had been competing with the framed photos on the “hutch” thing for space) on the rolling shelves and… yeah, I feel like it’s a lot more space. And I consoled myself by reminding myself that I could take them down if I find that I don’t like them. No harm done.
I didn’t feel like putting up the spice rack, but I made myself. So, that’s good. Curiously, it’s pretty level, but it accentuates the fact that the shelf above it really isn’t. Ah well. Such is the nature of my house.
By the way, my paypal payment for these shelves was rejected, after I had already received them in the mail. I don’t understand it! I’ve emailed them and asked what I should do, but I haven’t heard back. I think I’ll have to call them tomorrow. While there’s certainly a temptation to take the goods and run, I like [the company that made them](http://panrack.zoovy.com/) and I have no problem paying for a nice product. Having said that, I sure hope it doesn’t take too much work to get them to take the money I’m trying to send them!
That’s all for today. I have to get back into the habit of frequent, short blog entries. Spending all night blogging (like last night) is ok occassionally, but I don’t want that to be the norm…
3 Responses to “ Shelves installed at last ”
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[…] The other issue was my kitchen shelves which arrived just before an email that said that the seller had rejected my paypal payment. How strange. A few emails to them were ignored, and finally I decided I’d call them. I did, and after fumbling a bit with the explanation (”no no, I have the shelves, but as far as I can tell you never received payment from me for them”), they took a credit card from me and the matter was finished. A day or two later, I received an email from them gushing with thanks for my honesty. That’s nice. I guess it’s something like honesty, but I think they should have thanked me for my tenaciousness. If the phone call hadn’t worked I would have given up. Anyway, it worked, I got my shelves, they got their payment, all is right with the world. […]
Nice shelves!
Ya, unless you are a sixteen-year old girl, the really long blog entries every time get to overwhelm the blogging experience…
At least that’s my perspective, not being a sixteen-year old girl…
Wow, David Ernst. I just realized that, despite how long you have been my friend, and how well I know you, and how important you are to me … I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOUR HOUSE. Do you realize that? I’ve never seen it. Never, ever. And your house is like, big, in your life.
That is sad.
Hey Michael Burton, are you back from Costa Rica? (How’s that for using a blog in a totally inappropriate manner? I feel … devious).